My name is Kala Elliott and  I grew up in Florida. As a  redhead, I didn't venture to the beach during the day much but loved going at night for stargazing and listening to the waves dance about. In 2010 I went from one extreme to the other and moved to Maine with my now-husband, Dustin. We have been together for thirteen years, have four children ages 2, 6, 7 and  4, and 10. (The 2-year old I was pregnant with in the photo above haha )   We have a life full of beautiful chaos! My house is a mess, we have a yard (and home) full of animals, and we love to laugh. Even though my husband may not think I'm nearly as funny as I am hahaha .


* Loves macaroni and cheese
* Gave birth to an 11 lb 6.5 oz baby boy 
* Is a firm believer that honey mustard  makes almost anything  taste much better
*Has traveled to Haiti and LOVED it
*Wants to walk the Appalachian Trail with her husband 
*Homeschools her children and so far has lived to tell her tale hahaha 
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